...are apparently like buses, we’ve had none for the whole year and now we are spoilt for choice, particularly this weekend! I personally love a market, necessary elements include:
Must be outside
Must be able to get either a mulled wine or a hot chocolate
Must be full of delicious food and great gift inspiration.

Creake Abbey Christmas Gift & Craft Market
Creake Abbey’s monthly farmers markets are a staple in most peoples’ diaries, so you know this christmassy edition is going to be fantastic on Saturday. With a very long list of stalls covering everything from jewellery to plants, from skin care to textiles, it is a great opportunity to start your christmas shopping exactly a month before christmas!
Pensthorpe Christmas Market
Attended by the region’s best food and drink suppliers, artists and craft makers, the nature reserve’s Christmas Market provides shoppers with a welcome change of scenery from the high street, with pop-up stalls, all in a relaxed and spacious outdoor environment. Why not head to the market followed by a lovely walk this Sunday?
Holkham Christmas Market
We are going to have to wait a few weeks for this one as it is on the 9th & 10th December, however I have no doubt it will be worth it and by which time we will be well on our way to the Christmas spirit. With over 60 local and regional producers featuring artisan food, drink and gifts. As well as Fakenham Town Band and Nelson’s Shantymen will be playing live music, and there’ll be plenty of tasty street food to tempt you.